Be strong. Be Fit. Be happy.
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Pilates Fit
Classic Mat Pilates class to strengthen your power house and tone your muscles!

Scult Strength*
Strength building exercises using heavy weights for tried and true results.

Sculpt Mobility*
Fusion of mobility and strength movements for better joint function and increased ROM.

Sculpt Stability*
Body wide stability focused for overall gains in strength, balance and confidence.
*These Classes are not recommended for those with physical limitations.
Our Classes

Yoga Classes
Strong & Slow Flow 55 min
Slow, strong and intentional sequences beginning on the floor and transitioning into standing postures to improve flexibility, balance and strength.
Gentle Yoga 50 min
Traditional Yoga poses combined with therapeutic, mobility based movement that will reduce tightness, support joint health and leave you feeling relaxed.

MELT Classes
MELT reset 45 min
Reclaim whole body stability and reduce joint compression By fine tuning movements and re-establishing proper muscle activation through guided reintegrative movements using the MELT foam roller and resistance band.
MELT Foam Rolling 50 min
Rehydrate stiff and achy connective tissue with specific MELT Method foam rolling techniques to get you out of pain and back to living your best life.

TRX Based Classes
TRX Bootcamp 35 min
Have fun using the TRX and BOSU for a fusion of strength, balance and coordination in circuit format.
TRX CORE* 35 min
Challenging, high intensity core class to ignite your abs using TRX and ActivMotion bars. Not recommended for individuals with physical limitations.

Strength Classes
Toned n Sweaty 40 min
A series of strength building circuits aimed at increasing muscular strength and endurance by combining basic resistance exercises with higher-intensity calisthenics. Ditch the boring cardio equipment and start getting results!
Themed Circuit 40 min
Celebrate the end of the week with a different themed class every Friday. 12-13 exercises repeated 4 times with a creative twist.

Circuit Class
Fit & Strong Circuit 45 min
Strengthen muscle endurance and cardiovascular health with interval circuits for full body toning, increased core stability and calorie burning.
Tuesday and Thursday classes conclude with 10-15 minutes of mobility training and stretching.

Circuit Class
Fit & Powerful 45 min
Sweat it out with the use of different modalities (TRX, BOSU, Bands, Weights, Medicine balls) for an extra empowered workout. Exercises vary from low to higher intensity movements with short rest periods in between.